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Late Nights Could Be Causing Tooth Decay

Extreme close up of infant having dental examination. Hatchet and mouth mirror working on open mouth.

New research published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene has revealed that children who stay up later at night are more likely to suffer from tooth decay.

The results reveal that some children who have later bedtimes are up to four times as likely to have tooth decay, when compared to those who head to bed early.

This increased risk could be due to some failing to brush their teeth on a regular basis before they go to bed, and not eating breakfast the next morning and then snacking throughout the day.

Dr Nigel Carter OBE, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation commented:

“If you tend to fall asleep before your children, evidence suggests there is a real danger that they are not brushing their teeth regularly, or properly.

“Combined with the resulting lie-in and subsequently skipping breakfast this is a real recipe for disaster when it comes to their oral health and a hugely increased risk of developing tooth decay.

“Problems in the mouth can affect the way our children communicate, their relationships, development and also their wider general health, so it is vital that they prioritise their oral health.

“We are encouraging parents to be aware of their children’s oral health habits, even when they are not looking, and try to reinforce the importance of brushing their teeth last thing at night for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste as well as at one other time during the day.”

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