Call Us: 0113 274 6160

Let's Talk
Leeds Dental Centre

Complete Smile Makeovers

If you have missing teeth, uneven teeth, stained teeth or wear dentures then our treatments of dental implants , crowns, veneers, bridgework, tooth whitening and dentures could be the answer.

At your FREE consultation we will find out about you, your ideas and give you a number of different options, which will allow you to choose the best treatment plan for you! We offer FREE 2D Pan-oral Radiographs and 3D Cone beam scans (if required) to all our patients, thus allowing us to quickly diagnose and plan treatment instantly. We will discuss your previous dental history and existing dental health condition and together we will plan for a better future for your oral health.

We believe we offer affordable treatment with quality-uncompromised results. From the very first time you see us until completion of your makeover, you will be assisted every single step of the way. Our care won’t stop there, it is just as important to ensure you are given the highest possible standards in aftercare, a service what we pride ourselves on. You will be given a direct line to our team of experts for an ‘out of hours’ service, allowing you the opportunity to ask any questions or to simply have the reassurance that we are always on hand to help.

Book your free consultation

  • Fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff will contact you

    Tel: 0113 274 6160

    Email: [email protected]

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