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Leeds Dental Centre

What Can Your Mouth Reveal About Your Health?

The human body really is an amazing thing! It gives us signals if something isn’t quite right – even via your mouth, teeth and gums.

Every time you visit us for a check-up we’re not only looking out for problems with your teeth, but we’re able to spot any possible health problems, too.

Here are 5 things your mouth can reveal about your overall health:

1. If one of our dentists sees any white, brown or yellow spots or pitting on the surface of your tooth enamel, it may be possible that you have some form of intestinal disease. It’s obviously important to combine this information with advice from your GP, but it’s always a good starting point when exploring potential health issues.

2. When we take x-rays of your teeth, we have an opportunity to study any potential periodontal bone density and discover possible tooth loss – which could present as an early warning sign of osteoporosis. Check-ups are essential here!

3. Diabetes sufferers are more likely to suffer from gum disease. If signs of gum disease are found, we will always discuss options with you and it may be time to start taking more notice of your overall health. Gum disease also means that sufferers find it harder to control blood sugar levels – so it’s super important to get on top of this!

4. Problems with your vascular system can be caused by increased bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria can have a serious impact on your immune system, meaning that you are more at risk of heart disease. Keep on top of check-ups and your oral hygiene routine to prevent any harmful germs from breeding.

5. A common sign of stress, allergies, deficiencies or hormone imbalances are mouth ulcers. We’ll be looking out for these during your check ups, but if you experience these in-between visits then it’s best to consult your doctor and try and find out why they’re making an appearance.

Check-ups with your dentist aren’t just essential for your oral health. Keep your overall health in tip top shape by maintaining good dental health habits and visit us regularly to make sure a professional can notify you of any issues before they become much more serious.

Call us on 0151722 3000 to get yourself booked in now!

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