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Dentists Urge Office Workers to Avoid Sugary Snacks

Today signals the return to work for many office workers across the country. And after an indulgent Christmas and New Years period for many, leading dentists are urging workers to create another new year’s resolution – eat less cake at work!

Many believe that the current ‘cake culture’, which is present in many offices could be contributing to rising obesity levels and poor dental hygiene.

The faculty of dental surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons is urging companies to swap biscuits for fruits or nuts in meetings and to make low-sugar options more available and accessible for employees.

Office workers are also being encouraged to stop snacking and to avoid the many treats and cakes often present through the week.

Professor Nigel Hunt, the Dean of the faculty said:

‘We need a culture change in offices and other workplaces that encourages healthy eating and helps workers avoid caving in to sweet temptations such as cakes, sweets and biscuits.’

A series of tips has been created by the faculty, prompting workers to avoid snacking, to keep sugary treats to lunchtime, reduce portion sizes and to introduce a ‘sugar schedule’ to keep sweet treats to one day of the week only.


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